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What do the Children and teachers who take part say about the CSF?


The Children's Shakespeare Festivals aims to meet four key aims:

  1. To raise pupils' aspirations

  2. To increase confidence and improve well-being

  3. To increase engagement with the arts

  4. To develop the use of drama in the primary classroom 

The testimonials below are taken from a post-project evaluation and from anecdotal feedback provided by the teachers and pupil who took part:

Aim: To raise pupils' aspirations
Aim: To increase confidence and improve well-being
"My class have shown a real sense of cooperation and cohesion through the project. I'm not sure there is another way they would have achieved this. Just wonderful."
"I have no doubt it was a life-changing experience for many of the children. You can clearly see them carrying themselves completely differently from prior to the project"
Aim: To increase engagement with the arts
Aim: To develop the use of drama in the primary classroom
"I asked my class today who was keen to learn about another one of
Shakespeare's plays one day and literally every single hand shot up. How many classes of 8-9 year olds would have that response?"
For someone like me who is drama shy... the whole scheme including the residential has gave me the boost and confidence to use drama confidently in class.
Su Greenslade, Class teacher
Woodley Primary School
Su Greenslade, Class teacher
Woodley Primary School
Saleema Begum, Class teacher
Greenfield Academy
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The Children's Shakespeare Festival provides strong evidence for Artsmark certification. We also offer a FREE workbook & moderation support for Arts Award at Discover and Explore levels, which schools are welcome to access. The cost of moderation of pupil workbooks is not included in the offer. 

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Creative Producer:                                                                                                                                                      Join us on social media:

Matt Wardle                                                                             


 Company number 6852812

 Registered in England and Wales.

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