North West Drama is an Arts Award Centre and can can provide advice and assessment at all levels:
Discover, Explore, Bronze, Silver and Gold
Looking for Arts Award support? Find out how we can work with you.
Arts Award is recognised by Arts Council England as strong evidence for schools working towards Artsmark. Thanks to the support of our friends at The Lowry, the Children's Shakespeare Festival Arts Award is available to schools participating in any festival. Your pupils can achieve either 'Discover' or 'Explore' level of Arts Award through a bespoke workbook that sits within the project itself.
Contact our creative producer Matt Wardle for more information.
Images by Andrew Billington Photography
We can support or advise schools or individuals who are undertaking their Arts Award in a number of ways, including:
Find out about Shakespeare - We have a special page to help you use the internet to find out more about William Shakespeare! *Please be aware that these external links are deemed appropriate, but are not maintained by North West Drama.
Arts Award Advisor/ Assessment We are an Arts Award Centre, and can offer advice and assessment at any of the 5 levels. To find out more, contact us.
Meet the Director Find out about the role of the Children's Shakespeare Festival directors, and how they work with teachers, children and young people to create high quality theatre.
Meet the Actor Members of our team are working actors, and you can find out about their jobs and their past work to help you 'find out about arts professionals'.
Find out about an Arts organisation Find out more about how we work with more than 60 schools each year, across our festivals and 'drama for learning' work.
Take part in arts activities. Our Primary Drama Days, Secondary workshops and Residentials all count towards your Arts Award activity!
We are also happy to provide bespoke support that helps you work towards Arts Award at all levels. Get in touch to find out how we can work with you.