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Here are some resources created in March 2020 when lockdown began. We're making them freely available so you can explore the hot and dangerous Verona of Shakespeare's most famous play from home. Enjoy!

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Filmed live over Zoom from their own homes, the North West Drama team present a 'Zoom' retelling of the story of Romeo and Juliet:

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Think you know your Montagues from your Capulets? Our Quiz Master Peter has devised a quiz to test your knowledge of the story (don't worry if you don't know it,  the Story Zoom above  will help you!). There are two levels. Start with level one and then if you're feeling confident move on to level 2! Good luck!

Can't access YouTube? No problem! Here's the paper version....

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The Romeo and Juliet At Home Resource Pack has lots of creative activities for you to try out...

Joe as Prince Escalus

Sue as The Nurse

Peter as The Apothecary

Flashing Purple Arrow

Remember to ask permission before using YouTube

Remember to ask permission before using YouTube

Click the image to download the pack!

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Remember to ask permission before using YouTube

SparkNotes animated version of Romeo and Juliet

Remember to ask permission before using YouTube

Learn to dance a jig

Learn the "Rose, Rose' song

Rose Song words
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R&J Famous quotes

Speak some famous lines!

Learn some amazing facts!

Try Joe's Romeo and Juliet 'Work Out'

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(Huge thanks to Tom Doona for his video production skills)

There are lots more places to enjoy a bit of Shakespeare too...

Please be aware that these external sites are not monitored by NWD, but were deemed to be age-appropriate at the time of publishing.

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