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#CSFHamlet 2025/26

T H E   C H I L D R E N ' S   S H A K E S P E A R E   F E S T I V A L S   2 0 2 6

Hamlet Launch.001.png
Hamlet Headery.001.png

"Such an incredible opportunity. A life changing experience for many of our children!"

Su Greenslade

Woodley Primary School

#CSFLear 2024


For 2025/26, the Children's Shakespeare Festivals will return to stalk the corridors of Elsinore in "the Readiness is All", as we explore one of Shakespeare's most famous plays, an epic story of deceit, honour, life and death... Hamlet.

The project follows our tried-and-tested model of high quality CPD in drama, compelling classroom activity and performance by your pupils in professional theatre spaces. Find more information on how the project works here


To find out more you can download our latest CSF information pack or you can register your interest to join by contacting:

Matt Wardle|Creative Producer


Something is rotten in the state of Denmark and the young Prince Hamlet's life is in turmoil. His father, the king, has died suddenly and to make matters worse, his mother has hastily married the king's brother, Claudius, who now sits on the throne. Weighed down by grief and tormented by his reality, he is about to discover a secret that will require him to confront the terrible truth that lies at the heart of his family and will tear his world apart.






"To be, or not to be,

That is the question"

Hamlet Act 3 Scene 1

Photography by Andrew Billington. 

Contact us:


Creative Producer:                                                                                                                                                      Join us on social media:

Matt Wardle                                                                             


 Company number 6852812

 Registered in England and Wales.

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